Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Journey!!!

Okay, So about two months ago I had a dream that I used Apple Cider Vinegar on my hair to wash it. When I rinsed it out, my hair was 5 times the length that it really was and really shiny and straight. At this time I had no clue about the ACV rinse that people are using instead of conditioner. So when i woke up I "Googled" it and lo and behold, there it was. I know it was the Lord showing me to use it. I was kind of hesitant at first because of the smell but then I did more research and found out that the smell doesn't linger on your hair. So I told my mom and sister and we went out and bought some....still didn't use it. Now the bottle is about a quarter of the way empty and now I just tried it out. I did more research on it as to what the ratio is. Then I found out that you can use Baking soda a a shampoo instead of the regular shampoo. It will lock in moister rather than stripping it away with all of those chemicals. I love to find natural alternatives for the everyday use. And since i am now going back to being natural (yup, I'm going back) this will be a great way to transition!!

Okay, So yesterday I finally decided to use this new shampoo and conditioner method. I wasn't so sure how it would turn out. BUT!! I LOVE IT!!! My hair feels a lot better than when I use the regular stuff. It's light and fluffy and shinier. My scalp feels a lot cleaner. I just have to find a better moisturizer hair lotion (a natural one).

Here's what I did:
I mixed 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a medium sized sports bottle (that's what I had a the time) and filled it with water. Shake well.
Then I mixed 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar into a large cup (once again, that's what I had a the time) and filled it up with water and mixed it well.

I then washed my hair with the baking soda and water, making sure that I got my scalp and used my finger tips to massage it in and let it sit for about 3 minutes. Then rinsed it out and conditioned my hair with the ACV and then rinsed it out. I towel tried my hair and then put coconut oil and olive oil in my hair. I combed it out in sections with a wide tooth comb and then braided each section as I went along.

This method may not work for you with the coconut oil and olive oil but go on ahead and try it if you would like to. Remember, there are tons of health care tips for all types of hair on the internet. Don't be afraid to look at some new hair tips but use discernment on who to follow and listen to. Okay now have a blessed day!! love you all!!!

*Find What Works For You*

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